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Canadian Diabetes Prevention Program Help prevent Type 2 diabetes – Refer Now! Now available in Alberta
A free, personalized, wellness program that empowers people to lead healthier lives and reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes

*Eligible patients include those with A1c 6.0-6.4% and/or fasting glucose 6.1-6.9 mmol/l or score of >32 on the CANRISK tool (we will screen participants via a new blood test and with CANRISK)
Who should I refer?
People who are overweight, with metabolic disease, or with prediabetes (A1c 6.0-6.4% and/or fasting glucose 6.1-6.9 mmol/l) OR with chronic disease/diabetes risk factors (eligibility will be confirmed with CANRISK)
Where is it available?
The program is conducted entirely over the phone and the internet. The program is currently being offered in major metro areas in Ontario, BC, QC, as well as Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Halifax and surrounding cities. It will be expanding to other major cities across the country soon.
Refer now!
Note “CDPP” on the referral:
Phone: 1.866.701.ENDO (3636)
Fax: 1.877.LMC.APPT (562.2778)
Email: referrals@lmc.ca
Online: www.LMC.ca/referrals
Please share recent labs results with referrals, if available.
Individuals can also self-enroll: www.lmc.ca/diabetes-prevention
More information?
Brad Lang
Project Manager, Diabetes Prevention Program
1-855-610-3060 |